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Mainland United Soccer

Home of Mainland United Soccer Association


Week 1 suggested practice outline - adjust times with kids interest levels
  • 5 minutes - hand out jerseys - put players in a circle and pass the ball to another player.  As they kick the ball the players say their name.
  • 5 minutes - Simon Says - show 2 to 3 soccer dribbling skills (inside foot dribbleoutside foot dribbletoe touches on top of ball, etc.) then  play simon says.  If a player gets something wrong have them do a minor punishment like dribble around the goal then rejoin the game.  Mix in things like touch body parts while also doing soccer skills.  You can also theme the skills to say playing with a dog.  The soccer ball is the dog so pet the dog (toe touches on top of ball), play with dog (dribble ball between legs), let the dog off the leash (kick the ball as far as you can, chase and dribble back to group), etc.
  • 5-10 minutes - Red Light Green Light - line players up on one side of field all with a ball at their feet.  Emphasize little kicks and keeping the ball close to their feet.  Show players how to stop the ball for a red light by stepping on top of the ball.  Have players dribble to other side of the field.  Send players to the back of the pack if they do not stop or do not do little kicks.  As players get the hang of it, stop saying red light and green light and only use hand movements of stop and go.  This promotes players lifting their head as they dribble.
  • 5-10 minutes - Bull Dog game - line players up on one side of field all with a ball at their feet.  Pick one player to be a "Bull Dog".  With a go command, players try to dribble to the other side of the field.  Once players dribble to other side of the field, they are safe.  Turn players around as a group and have them go back to other side of the field, repeat.  Bull Dog tries to steal the ball as they dribble across the field.  The players whose ball is stolen becomes a Bull Dog too.  Continue until only 1 player is left with a ball and that player starts the next game as bull dog.  As they get better, have bull dogs steal ball, control ball then dribble and kick ball into net. 
  • 5-10 minutes - Ouch - All the players have balls at their feet.  Players dribble then kick the ball trying to hit the coach.  At first coaches should stay still as they get better coaches should move around.  Players will need to dribble with their head up and kick the ball properly.  This is the best way you can get your team learning how to shoot. 

Week 2 suggested practice outline - REPETITION IS GOOD.  We are going to keep most of the games and just add 1 more.
  • 5 minutes - Simon Says - show 2 to 3 soccer dribbling skills (LETS ADD the bottom of the foot with pull backs and roll overs, and keep the touches from last week inside foot dribble, outside foot dribble, toe touches on top of ball, etc.) then play simon says.  If a player gets something wrong have them do a minor punishment like dribble around the goal then rejoin the game.  Mix in things like touch body parts while also doing soccer skills.  You can also theme the skills to say playing with a dog.  The soccer ball is the dog so pet the dog (toe touches on top of ball), play with dog (dribble ball between legs), let the dog off the leash (kick the ball as far as you can, chase and dribble back to group), etc.
  • 5 minutes - Red Light Green Light - line players up on one side of field all with a ball at their feet.  Emphasize little kicks and keeping the ball close to their feet.  Show players how to stop the ball for a red light by stepping on top of the ball.  Have players dribble to other side of the field.  Send players to the back of the pack if they do not stop or do not do little kicks.  As players get the hang of it, stop saying red light and green light and only use hand movements of stop and go.  This promotes players lifting their head as they dribble.
  • 5-10 minutes - Bull Dog game - line players up on one side of field all with a ball at their feet.  Pick one player to be a "Bull Dog".  With a go command, players try to dribble to the other side of the field.  Once players dribble to other side of the field, they are safe.  Turn players around as a group and have them go back to other side of the field, repeat.  Bull Dog tries to steal the ball as they dribble across the field.  The players whose ball is stolen becomes a Bull Dog too.  Continue until only 1 player is left with a ball and that player starts the next game as bull dog.  As they get better, have bull dogs steal ball, control ball then dribble and kick ball into net. 
  • 5-10 minutes - Sharks and Minnows - all players but 1 have a ball at their feet, show the players a lined area to stay in.  Players dribble in the area, then let the shark(player without the ball) loose.  Before playing teach the players to shield the ball (using their body to protect the ball).  Shark steals balls and kicks them out of the area.  Players that have ball stolen become sharks until only 1 remains.   Last one with the ball is the winner and is the shark for the next game. 
  • 5-10 minutes - Ouch - All the players have balls at their feet.  Players dribble then kick the ball trying to hit the coach.  At first coaches should stay still as they get better coaches should move around.  Players will need to dribble with their head up and kick the ball properly.  This is the best way you can get your team learning how to shoot. 
  • During the game portion this week, each coach should be on opposite sidelines and act as a neutral player for both teams.  Players can not shoot on net until a pass is completed to one of the coaches on the sidelines.  Coaches should pass back to the team that passed them the ball.  Coaches should talk to the players and call for the ball and encourage players to do the same.  If opposing team steals the ball and then possession is regained, players must complete a pass to a coach again.  This drill encourages passing and using the entire field.
Week 3 suggested practice outline - REPETITION IS GOOD.  We are going to remove 2 games and add 1 new game.
  • 5 minutes - Red Light Green Light - line players up on one side of field all with a ball at their feet.  Emphasize little kicks and keeping the ball close to their feet.  Show players how to stop the ball for a red light by stepping on top of the ball.  Have players dribble to other side of the field.  Send players to the back of the pack if they do not stop or do not do little kicks.  As players get the hang of it, stop saying red light and green light and only use hand movements of stop and go.  This promotes players lifting their head as they dribble.
  • 5-10 minutes - Sharks and Minnows - all players but 1 have a ball at their feet, show the players a lined area to stay in.  Players dribble in the area, then let the shark(player without the ball) loose.  Before playing teach the players to shield the ball (using their body to protect the ball).  Shark steals balls and kicks them out of the area.  Players that have ball stolen become sharks until only 1 remains.   Last one with the ball is the winner and is the shark for the next  game. 
  • 5 minutes - Ouch - All the players have balls at their feet.  Players dribble then kick the ball trying to hit the coach.  At first coaches should stay still as they get better coaches should move around.  Players will need to dribble with their head up and kick the ball properly.  This is the best way you can get your team learning how to shoot. 
  • 5-10 minutes - Keep Away - As a variation, instead of using cones you can utilize the entire half the field as the space to play keep away.  Start with 1 player as the defender.  As the players get better at passing increase the number of defenders. 
  • During the game portion this week, continue to use the coaches as neutral wall players.  Each coach should be on opposite sidelines and act as a neutral player for both teams.  Players can not shoot on net until a pass is completed to one of the coaches on the sidelines.  Coaches should pass back to the team that passed them the ball.  Coaches should talk to the players and call for the ball and encourage players to do the same.  If opposing team steals the ball and then possession is regained, players must complete a pass to a coach again.  This drill encourages passing and using the entire field.

Week 4 suggested practice outline 
  • 5 minutes - Simon Says - show 2 to 3 soccer dribbling skills (LETS ADD the bottom of the foot with pull backs and roll overs, and keep the touches from last week inside foot dribble, outside foot dribble, toe touches on top of ball, etc.) then play simon says.  If a player gets something wrong have them do a minor punishment like dribble around the goal then rejoin the game.  Mix in things like touch body parts while also doing soccer skills.  You can also theme the skills to say playing with a dog.  The soccer ball is the dog so pet the dog (toe touches on top of ball), play with dog (dribble ball between legs), let the dog off the leash (kick the ball as far as you can, chase and dribble back to group), etc.
  • 5-10 minutes - Bull Dog game - line players up on one side of field all with a ball at their feet.  Pick one player to be a "Bull Dog".  With a go command, players try to dribble to the other side of the field.  Once players dribble to other side of the field, they are safe.  Turn players around as a group and have them go back to other side of the field, repeat.  Bull Dog tries to steal the ball as they dribble across the field.  The players whose ball is stolen becomes a Bull Dog too.  Continue until only 1 player is left with a ball and that player starts the next game as bull dog.  As they get better, have bull dogs steal ball, control ball then dribble and kick ball into net. 
  • 5-10 minutes - Freeze Tag - Divide the players into 2 teams.  On one team all the players have balls, on the other team no one has balls.  Use the lines to define a space for the game.  Players with ball dribble then kick the ball trying to hit a player on the other team.  As players are hit with balls they are frozen.  Once all the players are hit have teams switch roles.  As players get better at freezing opponent, the unfrozen players can crawl through the legs of frozen players to unfreeze them.
  • 5-10 minutes - Keep Away - As a variation, instead of using cones you can utilize the entire half the field as the space to play keep away.  Start with 1 player as the defender as the players get better at passing increase the number of defenders. 
  • 5-10 minutes - 50/50 game - have players form 2 lines at midfield.  Coach is between the two lines with all the balls.  Coach tosses ball in air and 1 player from each line goes after the ball trying to control the ball and kick into the goal.  Emphasize using body to protect the ball (shield the ball), emphasize using the dribbling skills and using some moves like using the outside of their foot.
  • During the game portion this week, Either continue to use the coaches as wall players that was previously discussed or add a requirement of 2 passes before a shot.

Week 5 suggested practice outline 


  • 5 minutes - Numbers Game - Have all the players with a ball and have them dribble around your half of the field.  Emphasize using the entire space and that the ball is not out until the whole ball goes past the line.  As the players dribble hold up fingers on your hand, first player to call out the number wins then repeat.  This gets the players to keep their head up while dribbling.  Helps if the coach moves as the players move so they are constantly looking for you and they also move.  Variations of the game - restrict players to just using the outside of their foot, just using roll overs.  Change it up and do not show numbers on your hand but do things with the ball and the players must imitate until the last one stops dribbling and imitates you.  As coach you can put one knee on the ball or put your head on the ball while it is on the ground, etc.
  • 5-10 minutes - Sharks and Minnows - all players but 1 have a ball at their feet, show the players a lined area to stay in.  Players dribble in the area, then let the shark(player without the ball) loose.  Before playing teach the players to shield the ball (using their body to protect the ball).  Shark steals balls and kicks them out of the area.  Players that have ball stolen become sharks until only 1 remains.   Last one with the ball is the winner and is the shark for the next  game.
  • 5-10 minutes - Freeze Tag - Divide the players into 2 teams.  On one team all the players have balls, on the other team no one has balls.  Use the lines to define a space for the game.  Players with ball dribble then kick the ball trying to hit a player on the other team.  As players are hit with balls they are frozen.  Once all the players are hit have teams switch roles.  As players get better at freezing opponent, the unfrozen players can crawl through the legs of frozen players to unfreeze them.
  • 5-10 minutes - Keep Away - As a variation, instead of using cones you can utilize the entire half the field as the space to play keep away.  Start with 1 player as the defender as the players get better at passing increase the number of defenders. 
  • 5-10 minutes - 50/50 game - have players form 2 lines at midfield.  Coach is between the two lines with all the balls.  Coach tosses ball in air and 1 player from each line goes after the ball trying to control the ball and kick into the goal.  Emphasize using body to protect the ball (shield the ball), emphasize using the dribbling skills and using some moves like using the outside of their foot.
  • During the game portion this week, Either continue to use the coaches as wall players that was previously discussed or add a requirement of 2 passes before a shot.
Week 6 suggested practice outline 
  • 5 minutes - Numbers Game - Have all the players with a ball and have them dribble around your half of the field.  Emphasize using the entire space and that the ball is not out until the whole ball goes past the line.  As the players dribble hold up fingers on your hand, first player to call out the number wins then repeat.  This gets the players to keep their head up while dribbling.  Helps if the coach moves as the players move so they are constantly looking for you and they also move.  Variations of the game - restrict players to just using the outside of their foot, just using roll overs.  Change it up and do not show numbers on your hand but do things with the ball and the players must imitate until the last one stops dribbling and imitates you.  As coach you can put one knee on the ball or put your head on the ball while it is on the ground, etc.
  • 5-10 minutes - Bull Dog game - line players up on one side of field all with a ball at their feet.  Pick one player to be a "Bull Dog".  With a go command, players try to dribble to the other side of the field.  Once players dribble to other side of the field, they are safe.  Turn players around as a group and have them go back to other side of the field, repeat.  Bull Dog tries to steal the ball as they dribble across the field.  The players whose ball is stolen becomes a Bull Dog too.  Continue until only 1 player is left with a ball and that player starts the next game as bull dog.  As they get better, have bull dogs steal ball, control ball then dribble and kick ball into net. 
  • 5-10 minutes - Freeze Tag - Divide the players into 2 teams.  On one team all the players have balls, on the other team no one has balls.  Use the lines to define a space for the game.  Players with ball dribble then kick the ball trying to hit a player on the other team.  As players are hit with balls they are frozen.  Once all the players are hit have teams switch roles.  As players get better at freezing opponent, the unfrozen players can crawl through the legs of frozen players to unfreeze them.
  • 5 minutes - Ouch - All the players have balls at their feet.  Players dribble then kick the ball trying to hit the coach.  At first coaches should stay still as they get better coaches should move around.  Players will need to dribble with their head up and kick the ball properly.  This is the best way you can get your team learning how to shoot. 
  • 5-10 minutes - 50/50 game - have players form 2 lines at midfield.  Coach is between the two lines with all the balls.  Coach tosses ball in air and 1 player from each line goes after the ball trying to control the ball and kick into the goal.  Emphasize using body to protect the ball (shield the ball), emphasize using the dribbling skills and using some moves like using the outside of their foot.
  • During the game portion this week, Either continue to use the coaches as wall players that was previously discussed or add a requirement of 2 passes before a shot.
Week 7 suggested practice outline 
  • 5 minutes - Red Light Green Light - line players up on one side of field all with a ball at their feet.  Emphasize little kicks and keeping the ball close to their feet.  Show players how to stop the ball for a red light by stepping on top of the ball.  Have players dribble to other side of the field.  Send players to the back of the pack if they do not stop or do not do little kicks.  As players get the hang of it, stop saying red light and green light and only use hand movements of stop and go.  This promotes players lifting their head as they dribble.
  • 5-10 minutes - Bull Dog game - line players up on one side of field all with a ball at their feet.  Pick one player to be a "Bull Dog".  With a go command, players try to dribble to the other side of the field.  Once players dribble to other side of the field, they are safe.  Turn players around as a group and have them go back to other side of the field, repeat.  Bull Dog tries to steal the ball as they dribble across the field.  The players whose ball is stolen becomes a Bull Dog too.  Continue until only 1 player is left with a ball and that player starts the next game as bull dog.  As they get better, have bull dogs steal ball, control ball then dribble and kick ball into net. 
  • 5-10 minutes - Freeze Tag - Divide the players into 2 teams.  On one team all the players have balls, on the other team no one has balls.  Use the lines to define a space for the game.  Players with ball dribble then kick the ball trying to hit a player on the other team.  As players are hit with balls they are frozen.  Once all the players are hit have teams switch roles.  As players get better at freezing opponent, the unfrozen players can crawl through the legs of frozen players to unfreeze them.
  • 5-10 minutes - Keep Away - As a variation, instead of using cones you can utilize the entire half the field as the space to play keep away.  Start with 1 player as the defender as the players get better at passing increase the number of defenders. 
  • 5-10 minutes - 50/50 game - have players form 2 lines at midfield.  Coach is between the two lines with all the balls.  Coach tosses ball in air and 1 player from each line goes after the ball trying to control the ball and kick into the goal.  Emphasize using body to protect the ball (shield the ball), emphasize using the dribbling skills and using some moves like using the outside of their foot.
  • During the game portion this week, Either continue to use the coaches as wall players that was previously discussed or add a requirement of 2 passes before a shot.
Week 8 suggested practice outline 
  • 5 minutes - Simon Says - show 2 to 3 soccer dribbling skills (LETS ADD the bottom of the foot with pull backs and roll overs, and keep the touches from last week inside foot dribble, outside foot dribble, toe touches on top of ball, etc.) then play simon says.  If a player gets something wrong have them do a minor punishment like dribble around the goal then rejoin the game.  Mix in things like touch body parts while also doing soccer skills.  You can also theme the skills to say playing with a dog.  The soccer ball is the dog so pet the dog (toe touches on top of ball), play with dog (dribble ball between legs), let the dog off the leash (kick the ball as far as you can, chase and dribble back to group), etc.
  • 5-10 minutes - Bull Dog game - line players up on one side of field all with a ball at their feet.  Pick one player to be a "Bull Dog".  With a go command, players try to dribble to the other side of the field.  Once players dribble to other side of the field, they are safe.  Turn players around as a group and have them go back to other side of the field, repeat.  Bull Dog tries to steal the ball as they dribble across the field.  The players whose ball is stolen becomes a Bull Dog too.  Continue until only 1 player is left with a ball and that player starts the next game as bull dog.  As they get better, have bull dogs steal ball, control ball then dribble and kick ball into net. 
  • 5-10 minutes - Freeze Tag - Divide the players into 2 teams.  On one team all the players have balls, on the other team no one has balls.  Use the lines to define a space for the game.  Players with ball dribble then kick the ball trying to hit a player on the other team.  As players are hit with balls they are frozen.  Once all the players are hit have teams switch roles.  As players get better at freezing opponent, the unfrozen players can crawl through the legs of frozen players to unfreeze them.
  • 5-10 minutes - Keep Away - As a variation, instead of using cones you can utilize the entire half the field as the space to play keep away.  Start with 1 player as the defender as the players get better at passing increase the number of defenders. 
  • 5-10 minutes - 50/50 game - have players form 2 lines at midfield.  Coach is between the two lines with all the balls.  Coach tosses ball in air and 1 player from each line goes after the ball trying to control the ball and kick into the goal.  Emphasize using body to protect the ball (shield the ball), emphasize using the dribbling skills and using some moves like using the outside of their foot.
  • During the game portion this week, Either continue to use the coaches as wall players that was previously discussed or add a requirement of 2 passes before a shot.

Contact Us

Mainland United Soccer Association

All Wars Memorial Park, PO Box 155
Linwood, New Jersey 08221

Email: [email protected]

Mainland United Soccer Association

All Wars Memorial Park, PO Box 155
Linwood, New Jersey 08221

Email: [email protected]
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