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Mainland United Soccer

Home of Mainland United Soccer Association

Game Responsibilities

Coaches be aware of who else has home games and when and where they play.  Master schedules are posted on the MUSA website. 

Field Set Up
- If you are the first game of the day on your field do the below. 
- Open up the bathrooms - Contact the Field Director if you do not have keys
- Set the corner flags - 4 red flags that are located in the shed, Contact the Field Director if you do not have keys
- Unlock the goals and set them in proper locations - Contact the Field Director for the combination.  Relock the lock to the back of the frame of the net.
- Install sand bags on back of goals so the goals do not fall over.
- provide game ball, game balls should be properly inflated and only used for games
- turn on lights if necessary - Contact the Field Director if you do not have access to the web application.

Field Break Down

- if you are the last game of the day on your field do the following
- put corner flags away, they go in the wood bin on the left in the shed
- remove the sand bags and set them off of the game field grass
- remove the goals from the game field and lock the nets so no one uses goals and field when we are not there.  We will leave goals set up on the auxiliary field for the public to use.
- collect your game ball
- lock up bathrooms if you are the last game in the complex, turn off lights, lock door, then lock gate with padlock
- turn off the lights if you are the last game in the complex
- lock up the shed if you are the last game in the complex

Game Procedures for all
- All players must wear MUSA uniforms.  Generally we wear white at home and red away
- Long sleeve shirts are permitted as long as they are white or red.  
- Be respectful and courteous to both your opponent and the officials
- Players should shake officials hands after shaking opponents hands after the game.

SJSL game day procedures home and away
- In your bag for every game you should have your official roster and medical forms for all your players.  
- You need to print 2 copies of your game day card.  1 copy is given to the ref for check in and the other copy is given to your game captains to exchange during the coin toss.  Make sure that you can read the referees name on the game card as you will need later.
- You need ref fees.  Exact change is required.   Your ref fee check is for 8 games with 3 refs.  At end of season reimbursements will occur for shortages.  
- Home team must report their score no later than noon on Monday, best to report immediately after the game.  Scores reported same way game cards are printed.
- Both teams must rate officials no later than noon on Monday.  Same place as game cards.

Contact Us

Mainland United Soccer Association

All Wars Memorial Park, PO Box 155
Linwood, New Jersey 08221

Email: [email protected]

Mainland United Soccer Association

All Wars Memorial Park, PO Box 155
Linwood, New Jersey 08221

Email: [email protected]
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